Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sticker fun

We are in the car so much these days and the best pass time for Cameron is to play with Stickers! She loves to put them all over her face and body and thinks it is super funny to have them on the bottom of her bare feet or shoes (if she happens to be wearing some at the time.) Most of the time we let her wear her stickers proudly where ever, but there are those few times where they are not so appropriate and we end up spending several minutes removing stickers from various parts of her body. Here is a photo (click on image to view larger) of her with about 5 minutes of car time... you can imagine 30 min to an hour.

1 comment:

April said...

I'll have to remember the 'ol stickers for the car... great idea! Good to see you at MOPS today. Have a fun rest of the week!